New Blogshop! Nouch Trend Online Boutique!
Hello guys,
Just a quick update here! My friend; more of new found good friend Sandra, just open her new blogshop selling wonderful pretty women clothings! And seriously, the quality that she sells are good stuff; excellent quality stuff.. not like those cheapo pre-order clothes that from the picture looks nice but when the real thing comes looks super turn off man...
Yes, the Online Boutique name is Nouch Trend... Pronounce it like 'Notch'... The meaning is kinda like 'Top Notch Trend'.. TNT will blow you up! *Hahahaha, i kinda just made that up!* *excuse the lameness*
As you all know, i have been addicted to online shopping lately and i have a good friend who just opened a new online boutique.. Confirm i support my friend more wan la..
Just so u know, she personally hand pick those clothings.. She goes to the wholesaler store and pick it out one by one.. So that the quality is of course confirm good... All her items are limited... Which means one specific design probably comes in 2 colors or max 5 colors... Very unlikely to find her stock having the same color and same design.. (of course unless specified)
She buys all stock in hand, so which means she has ready stock at her home.. If you want it, you pay it and then get the item the next day!... No need to wait like those pre-orders for almost a month! Usually i wait until 'no fire' for that clothes adi man... And if you are from Penang itself, u can self collect from her! Save on shipping fees!
Some of you might think the pricing is abittttttt more expensive than others that are selling online.. But u have to remember lo, her's are definitely good quality.. Confirm wont disappoint you! Somemore she personally hand pick wan... So the price is worth the quality..
Her Online Boutique tagline; "We Do Not Sell The Quality That We Do Not Want To Buy! i.e WE DON'T SELL WHAT WE WON'T BUY!"
She has good taste and everybody women out there of course wants to buy good quality affordable clothes.. Therefore, her clothes are all confirm lovable by you all la...
Please support support abit by clicking 'Like' at her Facebook Business Page
And also add her as friend in Facebook Profile Page
Since she has just started, For now she is selling women's clothing.. Later on will venture in selling bags and accessories...
She is a very hard working girl, i must say... She works full time helping her husband's business and then do this as part-time... Before she was married, she sell clothes before already.. but not on the internet, so now, she is trying to venture into this online business even though its so damn competitive.. Thats why she need support from her friends, like me! And i need your support to support her!
To show you some of the wonderful quality clothes she sells.. Here... here...